Sunday 26 August 2007


Sometimes it amazes me
That even in a three point sermon
Some hearts remain unpricked
But then we've had years of practice
Building impregnable barriers
That even the latest missile won't break
I think it's going to take an earthquake
Or some more personal disaster
To damage those foundations
Or maybe they're just waiting around
For some of us to provide a personal invitation

Sunday 19 August 2007


I love my son in a way
That he can't comprehend
For when I say 'I love you'
He doesn't understand
That the love he shows his father
As great as it might be
Will never match the depth of love
That he receives from me

I love him when he's sleeping
So peaceful and so good
I love him when he's naughty
Or simply being rude
I love him when he hates me
Or starts to call me names
Or when his room is in a mess
I love him just the same

And so I find it easy
To understand the pain
That God went through at Calvary
To offer up His Son
But why He'd want to do it
When He was in control
The only reason I can find
Is that He loves me so